Happy Holidays!

Hello my dear dear friends! I am sorry, I have been missing the past few weeks – family, friends and travel had taken over and I happily gave in. Also, in the last couple of weeks, tragic world and local events left me disturbed, and frankly, too angry to blog. I try not to vent on this blog, but such senseless acts of violence, such inhuman behavior – makes it very difficult to remain aloof and not get impacted. I just hope the coming new year sees more sense and humane order, and people understanding and internalizing the very basics of right vs. wrong.. 
I had to drop in before I sign off for the year. I have been missing you too, you guys! Personally, this year, has been a lovely year, and I look back fondly at all the travel I did, the fabulously creative people I met and the incredible friends I made. The last images on this blog for this year had to be my favorite images from two of my trips this year – the trip to Ladakh and the vacation to Kerala. I am again off to a tiny Himalayan village tomorrow, and shall duly report back with another set of visual travel memoirs 🙂
As I sign off for this year
Wish you, my fabulous readers, a wonderful wonderful holiday season
Here’s hoping that the new year is 
Peaceful, progressive and happy for all of us!
See you in Jan 2013, folks
Be good 🙂
[Images: Taken by me]


  1. Looks just like the scenery form heaven, so peace and quite, just like the word: inner peace! But I want to introduce the polka dots tote bags to you and this one also own unique surface!

  2. Happy New year with Worst 2012 end.. the 16 Dec scene still in mind….

  3. Happy new year!

  4. Love reading your blog! I will keep reading it in the new year! Wishing you all the best for 2013! Suus

  5. That is a different touch. Very cultural.

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  6. You know I always try to turn a negative situation no matter how bad it is into something positive, but I have not been able to do that with the Sandy Hook tragedy. I mean there was the one teacher Vicki who was a hero, who shielded her kids, and the principal who fought back. I try to think that the children who were killed maybe didn't suffer, I hope they didn't at least. I don't know what happened in that school or in those classrooms he shot up. So, it's hard to say what the kids reactions were. I don't know. I just can't turn this one into a positive. Those 26 people, those children should be home celebrating with their families. Not in the ground in tiny caskets!I don't know it's just heartbreaking!

    Anyway, I hope you are doing well and are enjoying the holidays! Happy New Year!


  7. I know what you mean Bhavna about the events of the past few weeks both here and in India (: I hope you have a lovely vacation and a Happy New Year!

  8. Have a fabulous holiday 🙂

  9. Anonymous

    Have a good holiday. never doubt that your work isn't worth it, you bring beauty and goodness to so many. There will always be evil in the world but the goodness is always greater, thanks xx

  10. oh yes the delhi gang rape need to receive some serious action from government!
    and happy holidays! ^_^
    loved reading your blog through 2012 ;]

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