Singapore Design Week

And we are back! 
After a whirlwind trip to Singapore
To experience the Singapore Design Week
At the invitation of Singapore Tourism Board
When so much, and so much good happens, you don’t know where to start. In this case, I am overflowing with my experience with and immersion in good design, creative conversations, brilliant ideas and forms, immense talent, and some plain pure good aesthetics and the resultant products. It’s a sheer pleasure to be surrounded by kindred creative folks and to talk to them about their inspiration and passion. Not to mention, truly beautiful products – I had to remind myself again and again that it’s a B2B exhibition and that as much as I would like to, I can not shop and bring the oh-so-pretteh things home! I though did get a lot (A LOT) of photographs, insight into emerging design trends and memories of a week well spent.  
Singapore Design Week, organized by the DesignSingapore Council, is an annual conclave and exhibition of all that is good and
promising in the world of design, and was held last week across different venues in Singapore. There were talks, discussions, exhibits, competitions, installations, awards, interactive forums for media and creatively inclined peeps, art works and fairs like the Maison & Objet Asia, International Furniture Fair and the multi-dimensional Singular Plural. It was heartening to see the support the entire event got from the local government and public agencies – goes to show how and why the design mindset permeates both public and private spaces at Singapore. The Design Week not only invited local designers, exhibitors and industry experts, but it also had a very good representation from South East Asian countries, along with other international designers.
As I walked and walked through miles of stalls and exhibits, I couldn’t help but get drawn to the kind of design and style I prefer. But obvious that a large percentage of what I shot through the camera is something that you and I can together exclaim and sigh at. I could see the subtle influence of  the orient in some of the products designed by western designers and brands, as well as a contemporary bent in the products displayed by the South East Asian designers. A cause of joy was the omnipresent buzz of, and the visible conscious effort at sustainability. Reclaimed wood, recycled and upcycled products, organic fabric and materials ruled the roost. I also loved interacting with students and young designers – their designs had a sense of quirky, an element of humor, practicality without compromising the aesthetics and a feel good vibe. I could already envision many of them becoming well known in the industry in a matter of couple of years. It’s good to know that the design future is in safe hands. 
[And right here is the place where I keep my walking cane by the side, and with trembling fingers type the last few sentences of this post. After placing ‘the design future in safe hands’, ofcourse! ;-)]
I can go on and on about the Design Week. From not knowing where to start the post to not knowing how to end the post! I think a good time for me to pull out the pictures and wave them in front of your face and say ‘See see, my pictures from the Singapore Design Week‘! Take a look at larger shots of images used in this post and some more right here. I had lofty plans of updating this album each day while I was there, but my loftiness would be so exhausted by the end of the very long day, that all we could do was cuddle in and sleep.  
And my favorite people, this is just Part Uno from Singapore! Tomorrow, I’ll be back with tales of my sauntering through some lovely neighborhoods and cafes of Singapore. Stay tuned!

View all images and more here

[Images: All mine/An Indian Summer. Please credit and link back to this post if you use/share]
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  1. Oh woooow…such beautiful amazes me..what the human mind is capable of creating.
    awe struck..
    N i can totally understand..I would have loved to bring a lot of stuff home as well..
    so close and yet so far!! 🙂

  2. Hi!
    It looks like a perfect journey tp such a lovely and very interesting looking Fair!
    Wonderful photos!

  3. Looks like you saw some gorgeous pieces there! What a great trip! x

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