Hello Singapore!

This blog of mine and I have been invited
By the Singapore Tourism Board 
To attend the Singapore Design Week
And to explore the vibrant design landscape of Singapore
I am off today
To visit little cafes, iconic galleries, indie stores
To feel the pulse and life of Singapore and
To experience the best of contemporary design at the Design Week  
I’ll be in touch via twitter and facebook
For I HAVE to share what I see and what I like with YOU
For you are my peeps
I’ll be back on the blog in a week’s time
With more stories 
Recommendations and pretteh pictures
Of all that caught my eye
In Singapore!
A big hello to my readers in and from Singapore
Let me know if you have any suggestions
On what not to miss 🙂
See you all soon!
[Images: Vintage Singapore Tourism poster on left, and water color map of Singapore from here]


  1. Excellent ! hope you enjoyed to the core !

  2. I Just loved your post. Amazingggggggg 🙂

  3. interesting! hope u have loads of fun!

  4. so much fun…wow..have loads of fun..I am sure there are great pics and loads of inspiration in store for us 🙂

  5. Hey there my dear, can we follow each other on Bloglovin, GFC or Facebook?

    Please leave a comment on my blog and follow by blog!


    You can also like my Facebook page.


    I will follow you back! 🙂

    Korean Fashion

  6. Have a great time Bhavna and looking forward to seeing all the eye candy you capture while you're there…

  7. Hello! I am in Singapore 🙂 Thanks for writing on this Design week. Would love to see what they have done 🙂 Welcome, and enjoy your stay here.

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