Tell me, tell me quick!

I am off to our much awaited vacation this week…
…And I need your help!
I would love to get any tips from you on
What to do and what to visit, 
Little known places,
Your personal favorites,
Quirky shops and flea markets to haunt,
‘Don’t-dare-miss-this’ experiences,
Amsterdam, Brussels, Bruges, Paris and London
What would you say..
If I have a day to spare
Should I (as in we) do
Antwerp or Luxembourg?
Please drop in a comment or send me an email
With your recommendations
And I’ll send you all my love
Everyday in a letter
Sealed with a kiss
[Umm, well not exactly everyday, and that kiss just might be a bit too much
… but you get the idea, right?]
Signing off
In eager anticipation
Of the tips you will send me!
Will see ya on and off during the next few weeks
Take care you!
[Image Sources (clockwork): Judith, Rita, Risa, Elgarbo, Ktwigs


  1. Did you all feel all warm and cozy just now? Tell me, did you? 🙂

    That's because I virtual hugged all of you! You made my vacation even more special…Thank you so much! What will I ever do without you!

  2. Renate

    Oh, I'm so sad I only just saw this post. Ah well – maybe this will prove useful to other blogfollowers planning their own trip.

    The V&A museum in London can not be missed! As for shopping around Regent street you can combine Anthropologie, the National Geographic shop (a shop most husbands love, too!), and ofcourse Liberty's.
    In Brussels, I would highly recommend the walking tour that takes in all the beautiful art deco buildings (with a guide or just a map and booklet). And of course visit the Horta museum.
    In Amsterdam there is a fabulous private museum dedicated to handbags, it's called 'Tassenmuseum Hendrikje'. Maybe not quite your hubbies cup of tea though 😉

    Oh, and if you have a day to spare: Antwerp!! If on sunday, visit the 'Vogeltjesmarkt', a huge fleamarket.

    In Paris, spend at least half a day strolling around Montmartre. I loved the Orangerie museum.

  3. probably late, but in amsterdam
    there are nine little streets (aks tourist information for the map) in the center of the city, very nice creative small shops and cafe's.

    great bookstore:
    Architecta Natura Leliegracht 22
    1015 DG Amsterdam

    in paris i loved the Marais part the most.

    Enjoy your journey!

  4. hi bhavna,

    love your blog and follow it quite regularly. have been in the UK for a while and have a few off beat touristy must-dos for you-
    a) bath – a day trip from london but its a wow place
    b) chk out the website and chk out one of the many stately mansions.

    and i will enjoy the many pics you take 🙂

    another piece of advice: take the bus as much as you take the underground – bcos on the bus you get to see the city.

    enjoy enjoy!

  5. hey , nice blog , like it ,
    won't be nice if i u can clickover to my blog page too ,
    & post some suggestion

  6. I 'm originaly from Paris. I highly recommend you le "Marais"area near Notre Dame with my favorite shop "la bonne renommée".
    26, rue Vieille du Temple 75004 Paris
    You can find here gorgeous accessories, bags,clothes,cushions inspired by the travels of theirs owners. Each time I return to Paris I enjoy to go there! knowing your interests I'm sure you will enjoy too!…
    Here the link:

    and here the link for their wonderful books: I KNOW IT EXISTS IN ENGLISH .Perhaps you can find one in the shop ( in french sure !)

    Have a wonderful travel!

  7. Hi,

    I’ve only just stumbled upon your blog when doing a search for some coastal inspiration, but saw your questions regarding cool spots in Europe. I’ve lived in London for eight years and have just left to start travelling. Having browsed your blog very quickly, here’s what I suggest:

    The fleamarkets (les puces) at Cligancourt in Paris are all day affair, with a teeny tiny restaurant tucked in the back, where you can expect to have live singing to accompany your meal.. There’s a lot of rubbish to get past first, but then you’ll get to the real Parisian gems:

    In London, The Christmas stuff is all out now, and you should so stop by at Fortnum&Masons dept store on Piccadilly. It’s ridiculously overpriced but worth going to see, if not inside, even the window displays are just works of art.

    When you’ve finished wandering, have an early drink at Gordon’s Wine Bar on embankment, built under the street –, its quite spooky, and for an olde English Pub, the cheddar Cheese on Fleet St is fun if its cold outside. It’s normally full of bankers though, so just go early or during the afternoon.

    Lunch at the Wolseley on Piccadilly is good if you’re flush – worth it for people watching.

    And my most highly prized gem would be lunch at Petersham Nursery in Richmond. Take a train to Richmond, walk the towpath (last spotted Heidi Klum and Seal there a couple weeks ago) and follow the signs. It’s the best thing London has to offer, and is a far cry from anything touristy.

  8. You have to have to see the Moulin Rouge…Trip will be incomplete without watching this show 🙂

  9. Anonymous

    Hi there,
    this is my first time commenting but I can't help it! In Paris, visit Angelina's tea shop in Rue Rivoli as someone already mentioned, and go for the best crepes in the city to Le petit grec in Rue Mouffetard, if you feel like classic french food, then head to Chartrier at Rue du Faubourg Montmartre. And I recommend you go to Antwerp instead of Luxembourg, it's livelier!
    Have a nice trip

  10. Shoot an email my way and I can definitely help you out re: London!

  11. do visit le quartier latin in paris — full of color and old world charm!
    eiffel tower is a no brainer. a stroll by the seine should be divine. remember to take a peek at the mona lisa in the louvre, and see l'arc de triomphe when it's all lit up at night. also, a visit to the moulin rouge in montmartre is a must, just for kicks 🙂
    i am so jealous of your jet-setting vacay! have lots of fun, drink some french espresso, and take a ton of pictures for us to see!

  12. Hi Bhavna,
    Paris-make sure you give a solid half day(morning hours) for the Louvre ie..if your a museum person.Eiffel tower later in the eve'n & try to extend until dark coz thats when they switch on the lights & you don't want to miss the sight.You can take a tour of Paris via the Seiene river.Bon Voyage!!

  13. Bon Voyage!!! Love all the cities and you cannot go wrong anywhere you go:-)

  14. Oh Bhavna.. Have a fabulous fabulous time… If you have a day.. go to Antwerp.. or to Salzburg… Its so so awesome!! In Paris.. dont forget to eat 'chocolate crepe.. and tiramisu ice-cream'.. The most awesome ones.. below the eiffel tower.. or Champs-Élysées.. Also.. people watching at Champs Élysées is fab.. Must go to – Sacre Cre Cathedral in Paris. I didnt shop much at any of these places.. My site seeing just never ends.. 🙁

    Oh.. and in Amsterdam.. go to Madurodam.. its the smallest city.. like a mini play ground.. I just couldnt leave it.. I would write more.. but think you'll be bored… and would run out of time..

    Have a great time.. Cant wait to see all your gorgeous pics.. 🙂

  15. London: Neal´s Yard near Covent Garden for a colorful and tasty luncheon hang-out. Camden Market for the HUGEST market with all sorts of stuff, worldwide inspiration, furniture not just clothes, punk&Rock&leather&lace and hippies and just about everything, and when you´ve had enough, take the canal-boat up to little Venice through London Zoo.
    Kew Gardens is a treasure for a morning-jog. British Museums Egyptian collection, or V&A´s theatre-design-collection. Catch a musical at night. Lots of good ones, but Les Miserables is a sure success!
    Shepard´s bush (@ Goldhawk Road station) for great fabric shops.

  16. One quick tip make sure u have spare camera battery chargers, you will be clicking your way away. Been to all the places mentioned loved Brussels and Paris the best. Please take the late night open top tour of Paris I think its called city by the night or something similar, its seriously the most beautiful and romatic ride I have ever had.If you can please make a visit to Brugge the cutest town on the face of earth.

    If you ask me Anthrwep is such a waste of time, however I havent visited Luxemburg so cannot comment on it, but u can sure give Anthewrep a miss.

  17. Hello,
    In Brussels you should go to the Sablon antique market (place du grand Sablon Saturdays and Sundays), although it is really expense only seeing it is nice, then you can visit some nice art gallery in the area. In the Grand Sablon square, do not miss the Pierre Marcolini Chocolaterie (for me the best chocolate ever). Then you should walk down to the Marolle area, inthe 2 main streets (rue Blaes and rue Haute) there are lots of vintage, 2nd hand shops, and end up in the flea market taking place daily in the Place du jeu de Balle.

  18. I have no suggestions or comments – I am just jealous — i mean envious 🙂

    Have fun 🙂

  19. I am actually heading there in a few weeks and am a flea market junkie. Do a google search and you will come up with all the amazing flea markets to visit in Paris & Amsterdam!

    Happy travels

  20. Paris ~ Hot chocolate at Angelina's! on Rue de Rivoli. Also have a Mont Blanc pastry there, it's over the top!
    Ice Cream at Berthillion.
    Visit Pere LaChaise cemetery. It is remarkable,fascinating, beautiful. Many famous, artists, writers, poet, musicians,politicians etc. buried there.

    HAve fun~Shelagh

  21. Have a lovely vacation, Bhavna..

  22. Eva

    Oh, happy travels! I have so much to share from our trip earlier this year to Paris. Sending you an email love.


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