Namastey London

Just thought I will drop in
And say hello!
I am enjoying a lovely bright morning in London
And reading all the recommendations you have sent me
While the husband kickstarts the vacation by going for his third round of beauty sleep!

Leaving you with some beautiful images by Tobias Harvey
Hmm…am I missing India already? 😉
You have a lovely weekend
And thanks for your suggestions and the many emails you have sent me
Have I told you lately,

That you are awesome!


  1. These interiors are stunning and so different to what I usually see. There seems to be a real contrast between the urban and more luxurious details.

  2. I like your blog; such beautiful spaces!
    🙂 Jade

  3. Hello Ladies! So good to read all your comments. Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed the post!

    GB/Kamini: Men! Need I say more? 😉

    Anu: Back in Gurgaon now. Yes, I would be so lovely to finally meet up 🙂

  4. Hi Bhavna, would love to see you in Delhi. I shall get in touch after I get there. Are you still travelling?

  5. Lovely pictures!!:)

  6. I need a vacation!
    Check out latest decor trends and my halloween freaky figures.

  7. Lovely images, especially the striped seat with the cushions on top, and the moghul niches in the wall!

    Have a fab vacation!


  8. i like all this images

  9. hey bhavna!! I ahve tagged you on my blog…i am having a little versatile bloggers party and sharing the badge i received..:) so come in and join the party!!

  10. I love all of those intricate patterns and little pops of color. Gorgeous!
    Lila Ferraro

  11. Your pictures always make me want to dive straight in and sprawl out 🙂 Lovely lovely!

  12. Wow! That second to last image is divine. The red stripes paired with those pillows… YES!

  13. Hi Bhavna,
    Hope you are enjoying London. Weather is not too bad for September. Hope you have managed a trip to Portabello Market and Notting Hill. You might find some treasures there and good for photographs. I was a Londoner till June, only just moved to the counties for greener pastures (quite literally).
    Loved all the photographs as always. Your blog makes me smile and yet I sigh sometimes – wish I could create an abode like any of these. Bt I do get inspired – THANKS
    I wondered if I could email you for a small advise? Is it the one mentioned here?


  14. SO PRETTY!! esp. love the rainbow hued room at the top. such an indian princess room 🙂

  15. I absolutely LOVE those interiors. So inspiring. It would be a dream come true to even have one ROOM in my house decorated in this beautiful Indian style. I bet you miss India!!

  16. Beautiful blog!
    Kisses from Croatia.
    Zondra Art

  17. gorgeous pics!!!

    how much i´d love to visit India!!


  18. Oooh lovely pics! The first one wins hands down! And I agree with GB..why do men need all that sleep when we women do all the work? And they sure have an amazing propensity for sleep!! You ever heard a man say "I think I've slept enough"???? Have a ball in London!

  19. Beautiful interiors!!! I love the door and wall in the first pic!!

  20. Needless to say, but always such beautiful photographs of beautiful places…ahhhh!

  21. Beautiful Images!!

  22. wow, how amazing! beautiful images. love the second one!

  23. Love all the photos, cannot wait to return to India -one day soon I hope.

    Leeann x

  24. The first photo (my fav) is to die for. Thanks for sharing!
    From Bali With Love,

  25. Lovely as always 🙂

  26. I've been following your blog silently for years now and only recently discovered that you are Shilpa's sister! Small world! I've recently started a blog on design

    Do drop by sometime 🙂 Hope you guys have a wonderful time in London!

  27. yes, hard to beat India for atmosphere!

  28. Awesome pics as always Bhavna…

  29. Oh! and wow! and ah! gorgeous images, Bhavna!

    ….funny that's my hub's idea of an ideal vacation too…exploring the insides of his quilt!

    MEN!!!(I just rolled my eyes!)

    You have a great vacation! 🙂

  30. What a lively blog with lovely pics. You are outstanding! Keep up the good job.

  31. Oh my.. those images are gorgeous… and beyond!! *sigh*

    You have a fab holiday.. 🙂

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