The Calm After A Trip

So here I am, back from another trip. This time, I went to the jungle, to begin the mock-up for the treehouses I am styling for the wildlife luxury lodge. And I got to say, it’s coming along well, my kittens! Sure, there are many things yet to be fixed, yet to be ordered, yet to be put together in one pretty picture, but the image in my head is finally taking shape!
A trip to the jungle is never without an adventure or interesting
experiences. As we landed at the Nagpur airport early that morning, we
found out that reaching the site will be a touch and go since the only
connecting bridge was flooded over due to incessant rains. And man, did
it rain! The downpour did not stop for a moment while we were there. Which only meant that we had to drive through the lushest
of meadows, traverse through hills clouded in mist, face fragrant cool wind and rain that
went from a light shower to blinding torrential downpour in no time. My favorite music playing in
the car was the only solace when the sight outside became too beautiful
to bear. 
Sigh. Things you got to do as part of work. 
And then we reached the site, which had completely transformed
from what I had seen last! Nature had taken over and apart from the lush trees, undergrowth, creepers, bushes [basically all forms of plant life], there were streams and ponds and puddles. We rolled up our jeans, balanced the big black umbrellas, waded through the various water features and got down to work. As the team headed back in the pitch dark night, wading through the same water bodies, we encountered aquatic life like huge crabs, frogs, fishes, indescribable squirming crawlies and oh-my-god one massive toad. The trouble with your team being wildlife enthusiasts [and men] is that whereas I focused on maintaining my balance with the dark water below, the pouring rain above, and making sure that I don’t step on any other life form, they were delighted at the sight of of these creatures and thought it necessary to pick a sample each and present it for my careful inspection. Later, as we tucked in the most delicious dinner made in the local village style, the night guard listed out the wildlife sightings & cobra encounters at the site. The dinner conversation, for one, is never dull in a jungle!
It’s probably the overload of greenery and colors [since I was working with furnishings this time around at the site] that made me select calmer white spaces today. I had thought that I will do another Jungle post, but I veered towards this selection of rooms, and well, as you know, I got to share with you whatever I am getting inspired by at the moment. This cat below though, he just snuck in when I wasn’t looking. Not that we mind. 🙂
I will be back next week, with a home tour! I also have an announcement due this month; something that I am so excited about that I can barely sit still!
Keep reading An Indian Summer and if you like, keep in touch with me on a daily basis over at Instagram. It’s fast becoming my favorite online hang-out place! 
See you soon!
[All Images: Here]


  1. Anonymous


  2. Such a beautiful collection of ideas…Your blog always inspires me 🙂


  3. Your home is a work of art — something like a painting! Very serene indeed.

  4. Your work looks splendid. The bathroom with mirrors, great idea, the bedroom great. Infact i think the whole home design looks marvelous. Great work!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous rooms! Love the bed and the room with the chair besides the cactus. And that tree…

  6. Love your home, it's cosy, spacious, light and airy; just perfect!

  7. Beautiful pictures again. Where is this place Bhavna?? I would to ask you more about where you studied home décor etc.. Is it better to email you?

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