
Hello there!
Nothing dramatic to phew about
But you know how it is sometimes?
You just need to exhale
Take a deep breath in, and exhale
P h e w!
Just felt like doing that
Also,  you know what?
I miss you guys
All this work on tech stuff is making me grumpy
(as if having a grumpuss boy cat wasn’t enough for the household)
I need some Pretty
Just some plain simple *insert appropriate adjective* Pretty
You get it.  Right?
And when I talk about YOU
You make me go weak in the knees sometimes
 You, with your comments, your emails, your messages on facebook
You sent me songs and playlists!
You said to me, ‘There there, it be ok’
Did I tell you how much I love you?
I really do.
This above
Is where I would like to be
Prop myself on that cute tiger cub pillow
Curl up
And read that book
Or maybe one of the books from the haul I got yesterday
A disadvantage of doing tech stuff
You get mad at freakin css bored,
And then you shop
But my dear folks
Things are moving along
Taking longerrr than anticipated
But moving along
I don’t have a live date yet for the new site
We shall continue living
And live *insert appropriate adjective* pretty at that, my lovelies!
So tell me
Isn’t this post pretty?
Well worth your time?
Maybe you need to exhale too?
*e x h a l e*
Exhale right here 🙂
See ya tomorrow
Yes, the new site can go fish
(No, don’t go fish. Really Site, you don’t have a sense of humour, At All!)
There’s a fun giveaway out there
And on Friday,
There’s another lovely giveaway coming up
So, I’ll see you tomorrow, ie Thursday
And then again on Friday
Do come back!
I better publish this post
Before I ramble any more
Who knows what else I may say?
And then we’ll have three grumpus entities at hand
My cat, my site and me
Alright bye
See you tomorrow! 🙂
[Such pretteh images from here]


  1. Rebecca: Feels good! 🙂

    Life's good, Anon. Thank you! Hugs

    Alla: Hahaha! I know, right? 😉

  2. Anonymous

    Missed you ..hope that life is soft on you

  3. ooh so many pretties, just what I needed after a long day at work!

  4. oh wow! pretty photos indeed!! 😀 😀

  5. "e x h a l e"

  6. You're nuts! (in a good way) 🙂 🙂 I love this little conversation! and the daybed is so pretty and dreamy!

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