On another note…

It definitely isn’t!
A nasty nasty stomach bug has caught hold of me and I am sick like a dog! While the antibiotics work their ‘magic’ (magic at the pace of a 90 year old snail, is more like it!), I have been asked to mope and whine recuperate at home for the next few weeks, eat (ahem) sensibly and generally take it very very easy. This ridiculous bug has already caused us to cancel a trip this week to one of our favorite places in the hills, and as you can imagine, it is taking me a lot of effort and deep breathing to keep the language of this post civil. :/ 
While I whine and mope, and recuperate, I’ll need to be away from work and blogging and internet and the other good things in life for sometime. I do plan to sneak in a post or two in between, dash off a few responses, when possible, to the lovely emails, and just stop by facebook and gaze lovingly at you – my dear dear readers (umm…or not. Why does it sound creepy?); but net net as they say, I’ll be on and off the radar till the time I start gaining an upper hand over this *^%$# bug!
So don’t fret if you don’t hear back from me for sometime, OK? You know I am engaged in a battle of strength and will with a scum of a bug. You guys, you take care of yourselves, and keep dropping in to share a joke or two (laughter being the best medicine and all that), or to bad mouth the bug, or well, just to say hello! 🙂
Much love!
   [Fabulous Illustration by HoppiPoppi. Via]


  1. …so I'm here Rajnish as promised:)…a great blog and wonderful posts! …am now following you too:) http://amitaag.blogspot.com

  2. Get Well Soon !! Your block is so beautiful and inspiring!!

  3. Anu Malik

    Jaldi se theek ho jaao. The world is missing your creative feeds! Take lots of care. Sending spring flowers across!

  4. Oh! Poor you.. I hope u get well soon and get back on ur blogging… Lovely post!! 🙂

  5. That sounds horrible. Get well soon, hugs Anu

  6. Take care nd come backmsoon,,

  7. Feel better soon 🙂

  8. Anonymous

    i was sick myself like a dog last week and can totally relate to ho wyou are feeling. if i'll hear anyone say I need to drink lots of fluids, i'm going to lose it. So get better soon and yes drink lots of fluids, that really helps.


  9. I take the "opportunity" to leave you a message: I LOVE and appreciate so much your blog, it is a place where I come often. Even though I live on a nice hill full of "good air", coming on An Indian Summer is like a deep breath.
    So, I hope you will feel better soon, and, remember that sometimes, being ill can be an GOOD think, like an re-adjustment, allowing also to eliminate what is not necessary for you. Sorry for my english, I've done my best! Take care!

  10. I hope you feel better soon!

  11. Get well soonest!

  12. feel better soon

  13. I also found your blog only a few days ago when I did some research on Indian bedrooms for a post. Hope very much that you don't mind that I quoted 2 or 3 pics from your blog and leaving a link to yours.
    Sending you "get well" wishes from my heart!
    Greetings from Munich,
    Art and Interior

  14. awe… I just found your blog the other day! It will be worth the wait when you "come back"…

    Hope you get on the mend SOON! and faster than a jack rabbit!

  15. Feel better soon! We'll look forward with anticipation to your next blog post.

  16. Hope you have a speedy recovery and that bugg really scuttles away soon!

  17. I hope you get well soon and do the things you like to do! I really enjoy reading your blog so i'm waiting patiently ;-). xoxo Suus

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