All this Art…

 …is now available online!
But just for this week! Indian Art Collective, the first ever online art fair in India is on, and everyone is invited. Selected art works from galleries across the country, have been brought together in this online fair and are available for sale. While most of the art work is targeted towards serious art collectors, there is a decent representation of comparatively affordable work from new artists. Even if you are not keen on picking up an art piece, you could still spend hours browsing through and get inspired by the vast range of original paintings, sculptures and installations showcased on the site. Here’s a really very brief glimpse into the variety of art the fair brings for us:

[Image copyright: India Art Collective]
I’ll be back tomorrow with some talented people and interesting new stores and products. Sorry, I was away last week – have been having a busy run! Can’t wait for that elusive time off. Sigh.


  1. Soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Amo la estetica de este blog. Son geniales!!!
    Que viva la decoracion!

  2. Good to know.

  3. Lovely Bhavna! Thanks for pointing this out. Had a wonderful time browsing through the site.

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