Oi Soi Oi

Goodness Gracious Me!
If you ever feel like goodness graciousing in Vietnamese, just strike a confident pose, put on a worldly wise air, and with appropriate hand and facial gestures, exclaim ‘Oi Soi Oi!’ Go on, try it…no one’s looking!
Oi Soi Oi is also the name of the company founded by Britt Goodall and Christina Thorboll. They work with artisans and family-run enterprises in Vietnam, and bring to us products inspired by Vietnam’s day to day life and culture. Even though this store has already done a few rounds on a bunch of design blogs, I couldn’t resist showcasing it here again. The simplicity of materials and products, the close similarity with the Indian craft traditions, the transformation of daily use items into decor pièces de résistance…made me go Oi Soi Oi many times over!
Delicately hand painted ceramics. Similar achar/chutney martbaans (pickle jars) and the blue glazed pottery can be found in Northern India

Recycled trinkets

All that is jute! Jhaado (small broom) in a fancy avatar, and a chaarpai (Indian cot/diwan) in the second last pic
Gorgeous embroidery
I spy a sandook (metal storage boxes)! 

The many uses of beautiful fabrics..

[All pics Oi Soi Oi]


  1. fab!

  2. Liked the paintings of the women in your first image, and the colourful broom too!

  3. Ever hear of love at 1st sight? I've got it. For your blog.

  4. beautiful collages

  5. WoW! Such nice coulours and compoition! Made my day:-)

  6. Wow! brilliant as usual. Those birds remind me of birds we made in our class at the NGO I teach.

    Lookie: <a href="http://conversationcompiler.blogspot.com/2010/05/meet-chimini-tai-sister-sparrow-and.html&gt; here</a>

  7. Funny how close that comes to "Oh, *swoooon*!"
    Dreamy bursts of colour!

  8. Hey bhavna,
    Lovely post. Rich use of colours makes them all look so good and wow.
    Loved them!

  9. What amazingly beautiful stuff! I want I want…..! All i can say is "Oi Soi Oi"!!!!

  10. Oi Soi Beautiful!:)

  11. Small bites of rich color, and hearts abound.


  12. hello!

    I did a post on my blog "O Móvel" with some images your…ty! (refered)

    I think the Bahia (Brazil) and India have much in common!

    look there



  13. Hi Bhavna,
    Thanks a ton for your lovely comment on my blog:)
    Would love to hear from you more often…
    Thanks for this awesome post.

    Do stay in touch!


  14. What stunning collections! Love so many things here but I think the hand painted ceramics are my favourite.

    Thanks for sharing. Haven't seen these before.

    x Charlotta

  15. I love all of them!

  16. Absolutely gorgeous stuff!

  17. we just love your clicks…lights up the screen with all the colors…crazy about everything handmade and homemade 🙂

  18. Gorgeous stuff!!

  19. decadent images! thanks for the inspiration!

  20. Simply beautiful- I'm glad you decided to share these pictures with us, because I hadn't seen them earlier—good call!

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