Be still, my heart..

India, Guatemala, Bhutan, Mexico, Mongolia, Brazil, Uzbekistan….just some of the places that have inspired Gudrun Sjödén to create a beautiful and prolific line of clothes, and home furnishing. Combine this mélange of influence with Scandinavian design traditions, and well, you have a collection that makes your heart skip a beat. Mine skipped more than a couple actually, and made me take hasty decisions like wanting to share this goodness from Sweden as soon as possible. Like pronto. Like without any further delay and, without much ado. Quite a difficult task since I had to stop drooling and do mundane things like copy paste, format, align, swear etc. And get used to blogger’s new fangled post editor. Sigh! I can keep rambling on, but, I strongly recommend that you stop reading and start scrolling. And then tell me how many beats did your heart skip?  
And home furnishing isn’t even the mainstay  of Gurdun…she actually specializes in creating incredibly beautiful clothing line.
See my selection from her collection here.. 


And, this last pic is specially for my readers from India…Let’s see if you can tell me what made me smile 🙂
Psst: You can buy the towels seen in pics above from FabIndia. They have the exact same design! 

So long, till we meet next. And start prepping for Diwali via An Indian Summer!


  1. I love all the stuffs. Its simple yet classy and unique.

  2. Incredible post… first time here

  3. Truly a super find! I love the fabics, and he kitschiness of that watering can in the last image:)


  4. Blue chair. I love it.
    Thanks that you share.


  5. Fabulous post—LOVED IT!!!

  6. Fantastic Clothes! Thank you! Love the chairs in the first few photos! AND the candlesticks in photo 6 and 8! Too fabulous. Very inspiring.

  7. feeling like being back from Pondichery. Was a nice travel.
    A bientôt

  8. Olá amiga!
    Conheci seu cantinho… tudo de bom!…
    Lindo, criativo, alegre e diversificado.
    Amei mesmo!!!
    Parabéns pelo seu trabalho!
    Espero você em:
    Um ótimo fim de semana!
    Beijinhos carinhosos.
    Itabira – Brasil

  9. Yes, I agree, GS collection is really great this fall. Must be the inspirational visits 😉 Cheers from L at

  10. oh Bhavna…that last pic sports a "chai ki chani"…is that what made you smile?

  11. The first set of photos with that explosion of yellows, oranges and pinks with a whiff of green reminds me so much of a big fat chunk of cassatta ice-cream! Layer upon layer of colour and just as delicious!
    And the Tellusborg set is such a rocking combination of blues!

  12. Your decorations are just fabulous and your home is beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration. beth

  13. lovely bhavna,inspirational post anyway.

  14. This was gorgeous! Some of the pictures felt like Anthropologie goes to India- a great combination! And I just grabbed the Indian Summer banner 😉

  15. colors colors and colors! it sure lightens up and kindle emotions. I love the tellusberg blue couch and coffee table

  16. i recently ordered a catalogue and spent many happy moments drooling!! love your blog *ruthie*

  17. Love this post, your blog just gets better and better~ I've had 3 clients that are Indian this and always tell them to take a look at your site.

  18. This is so fabulous!! I love color, Mexican, Indian, Guatemalan, etc! I love folk art and pottery and painted furniture………..need I say more? this post thrills me! thank you so much!

  19. Ok, I actually ordered a catalogue… all of it is way beyond my budget, but I need the catalogue for inspiration !

  20. This so amazing, it's totally harmonious yet eclectic ! I wanna live there !!!

  21. The grandfather clock in the 5th and 7th images is gorgeous! I'm drooling…

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