Where am I?

Hello! Sorry for not posting in a long time. I am traveling, and will be back home this weekend.Talk to you then! indenfor


  1. I am so glad you found your mojo and I found this website!! Not sure how it could have escaped me until now.

    Your follower.
    Day 1.

  2. Thank you all so much for dropping by and leaving me a note! My bad entirely for not keeping you updated on where I was or when I would be back! Sincere apologies!

    But I am back now, and hope to keep hearing from you 🙂

  3. Lovely post and a very lovely blog!
    xo Katherine aka. Urban Flea 🙂

  4. Few elements to compose so garndiosa scene and information, quality and capacity make the difference of making more with less!
    Very good and congratulations of Brazil.

  5. Hello! Where are you?! I hope you’re OK! Miss you!

  6. At first it was a bit odd, then it became annoying, now it is just unsettling when someone fails to make an appearance 6 weeks past the time they promised. I do wish we had an update, just a few words even, to let us know if we have come to an end or an impasse.

  7. Hello Bhavna. I hope you’re doing great and you will come back soon:)

  8. Enjoy your journey!!

    Pleasant flowers!


  9. You’ve been missing in action!

    Hope everything is going well at your end.

    Come back soon:-)


  10. just stumbled here and am in love– hope you’re back to blogging soon 🙂 xx

  11. O.K Bhavna,
    Enough of vacation fun… come back to blogging work 😉

  12. Wow, I just discovered your blog – it’s gorgeous! Full of wonderful inspiration!

  13. Hi,
    Your blog has been an inspiration and i enjoy visiting it…
    I chose your blog for a Lemonade Award! Check out my post on my blog

  14. feeling nirvana with this picture

  15. Hey Bhavna, have missed your blog posts.. Hope you come back with tonnes of eye-goodies..have a nice holiday.

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