Robin Moore Ede Art

When I was in London earlier this month, I received an email from Piers who introduced me to the Robin Moore Ede Art Gallery. These prints, created by Piers and his father, interior designer Robin Moore Ede, are made on khaadi paper using a technique called Watergraph. In Piers’s own words:“We call the technique a watergraph, which is a name that seems to describe the marriage of a photograph and a watercolour. We start off with a photograph, then work on them digitally before printing them on khaadi. Each one is then signed, numbered and embossed by my father. He’s an interesting character in his own right actually – a well known British interior designer with private houses for Dustin Hoffman and Freddie Mercury in his portfolio, as well as big commercial jobs. Some of his drawings are in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery, and some of his furniture in the V&A”

Piers himself has been the winner of the DH Lawrence Prize for Travel Writing for the year 2007, for his book Honey and Dust! The art in his gallery reflect his many travels and keen eye for capturing details. I particularly liked the India coastal prints in the collection.
Do take a look at their online gallery, and if in London, pay them a visit!… while I figure out where to put up the two lovely prints Piers very graciously sent to me. Thank you Piers and Robin!


  1. Yes! Thanks Aimee 🙂

    Come to India Sherry! 🙂

    Thanks Constance! Belated Happy B’day once again 🙂

    Let me know if you have put the prints up 🙂

  2. oh this reminds me i'm terribly behind on blogging about this myself. piers & robin sent me some lovely prints & i'm so grateful to have learned more about them from you here. such gorgeous work!

  3. Dear Bhavana,
    These wathergraphs are spectacular! The natural paper looks perfect with the subject matter. Thank you for sharing Pier’s and Robin’s fine work.

    Thank you too for stopping buy yesterday. It makes me happy knowing you are all the way in India but still can be in my life!!

    Your Blog looks GREaT!


  4. The multiple arches is a real attention getter.
    I’d move somewhere just to live with multiple archways! Well, and mosaic tiles. Nice blog, I added you.

  5. So pretty! I love the colors. How lucky you are to have 2 of them for your home!

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