What to do over the weekend?

1. Twiddle my thumbs as I wait impatiently for my new laptop to arrive
1.a. Call the laptop sales guy 63rd time to ask him intelligent questions about laptop configuration and stuff. Most of the times, I forget what is bigger and better – MB or GB (and to think that technology is supposed to make our lives simpler!)

[flickr image from Daveblog]
2. Get some therapy2.a. I meant retail therapy :D. Afterall, I have the Feb bazaar to launch on the 15th!

3. Steal my husband’s laptop to ‘talk’ to you, while he sleeps 😉
1. It’s the weekend! Have fun!!

2. The Jan bazaar closes on Feb 3rd (Sunday) at 6p India time. So go ahead and shop to your heart’s content before it closes!


  1. Thanks Annie! Good to hear from you.

  2. Hello Vini! This just makes me realize how much internet dependent we are!

  3. Ah! I need to thank you for my last two fab weekends Lady Luxie! Send me wishes for the coming weekends too 🙂

  4. I am getting the same M.Kate! Good stuff 😀

  5. Thanks Anuradha! Glad to meet a fellow Gurgaonite blogger 🙂

  6. Bhavna,

    I have not visited you for awhile–I dont know why!! Lost in blogland….Your blog is lovely as usual and so inspiring!
    Good luck with the bazaar.


  7. My internet connectivity went for a toss as well- its the worst!

  8. I want a catttttt !!!! 🙁

  9. Hee! hee!….:>

    Hope your weekend was a blast! Aiiind here’s wishing that your week ahead will be one too!

  10. am sure you’ll have a blast with the new laptop, I just got mine a 2 gig vista!

  11. Hi,
    came across your blog while checking out desire to inspire( my abs fav). Nice to know that you are from gurgaon too ! keep blogging. Your blog is a good read as well, apart from the visual aspect so to say. 🙂

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