That Familiar Longing

For a home in the hills.
Come summer and I feel the all familiar pang of mountain longing. Not that it goes away in other seasons, but the searing heat very quickly turns the longing into an obsession. While I now stay next to the sea, my heart beats bumpity bump for the hills, ALL the time. Every year, when I get some time, I pick up my search for the perfect land in the hills, where one bright happy day, I will build my little mountain cottage.
Also this week, I spent the last few days at my jungle project site, giving final touches to the interiors of the lodge. Which, by the way, is starting to looking quite nice, I must say! I have been sharing sneak peeks over at Instagram and would love to hear what you think! While I ran around getting things done and being very proud of what the team has collectively put together, the scorching sun, the parched land and the dry arid air made me gasp for cooler mountain climes. And after being surrounded, for a large part of this week, by the (good) men of wildlife, and all that wood, iron and stone, the jeeps and the safaris, and the grit and the heat, I have come back, ready to dive into some pinks, some flowers, a soft cozy armchair, cottage chic and loads of yin energy! Putting the two longings together, it’s no wonder that I gravitated towards these images – an inspirational, feminine mood board for that little mountain cottage of mine.
Sigh! Just looking at these images teleports me to the hills, where I am snuggling in with a good book, the fragrance of pine, cedar and wild flowers all around me. I shall keep you updated on how my search for my home in the hills progresses. Till then, make sure to join me in my travels on Instagram, my fellow wanderers. 
Have a fabulous weekend and I will see you again early next week.
[Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


  1. Himanshu Awasthi

    This is nice!

  2. This blog is lovely! I'm so pleased you borrowed a photo from my blog, I am honored. 🙂

  3. Home decor that is done along with nature adds more beautiful to home. Especially a listverse arrangement of books within shelves , decorating interior using elegant colors etc..

  4. Its beautiful as always Bhavna. Where is this cottage? i am ready to settle there!

  5. Love everything about it.

  6. Is this a homestay , do you host guests ? Where is this place?

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