One Thing Led To Another

As it always does!
Here I was, 
Packing for a week long trip
Downloading my eMagazines on the iPad
And I thought,
Ah! Magazines!
Oh! Beautiful rooms in Magazines!
And I knew that I need to find some for you today
Splendid spaces
Featured in various magazines
Just for you.
And while we are talking about things leading to other things
Let me lead you to my instagram account
It will be up and about very soon!
I need to clean it up a bit before I open it up
Unless you want to see 693 pics of my furball of a boy cat 🙂
I will be sharing all that catches my fancy
As I travel and capture vignettes from here & there
Send me a ‘Follower‘ request, my munchkins
And you will be the first one to know
I am hoping to drop in again mid this week
As and when I can manage decent Wifi
Very excited to share a lovely new store with you
Whose founder happens to be from the very city that I am traveling to!
Talk about one thing leading to another 🙂
More on that, next time
See you soon
Here, and on instagram!
[Images from here]

1 Comment

  1. It's amazing stuff you have share with us ! i like it so much.

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