Did ya

Love how the tiny colorful rug brings the entire room together
Ikea has been one of my earliest design crushes and source of inspiration. I love how affordable good design (if not the greatest quality) has been made accessible to everyone by Ikea. So, it was with anticipation that I browsed through the Ikea Live site – a website showcasing real homes, ideas and spaces created by people using products from Ikea. I loved these homes – the fact that each had a distinct imprint of the people who lived in them, in spite of using mass produced furniture and products – made it all the more interesting. Here are some spaces that sang to me 🙂
Rough floors, rugged roof and a pristine white couch – just about perfect!
I am trying not to exclaim oh-how-pretteh!, and am completely failing at the attempt 🙂
 Have always loved a small desk by a window nook. You got to be able to look out to something while working!
Ooh..this tapestry behind the bed, that chalkboard cupboard and those hardwood floors! 
Prints and more prints!
Reclaim that wood! Now.
 Look at that birdie!
What a nice eclectic mix of varied art and pillows/cushions here
 As lovely as this room is, my little bloggie blog has this wicked temptation to splash some color in it! Put a bright bedspread, bring that rug from the very first image in this post to the bedside, spread a vintage mirror work textile across that bench, and put up one brightly colored hat on the wall! That’s it. 🙂 
[All images: Ikea Live]
I shall see you again tomorrow with an interesting post – I am already ooh aahing over it!
Oh, and do go and see who won the Studio Azzurra giveaway on facebook! Is it you?


  1. Thanks for introducing me to the IKEA Live site. Like you, IKEA was my first design crush and i still love their clever and witty products. Was so thrilled when they opened a store in my small town. Love this site!

  2. I am amazed by the Ikea Hacker website and the creative ways people modify Ikea stuff. But I gotta agree about the quality issue. After being taken apart and put back together for several moves, I'm afraid our Expedit unit won't make it through another move. Ikea is a good option when you need affordable simple style though.

  3. i do like ikea but i wouldnt say they are at all good quality!

  4. Love the pics ! Especially the 3rd from the top .. 🙂

  5. Anonymous

    I love IKEA ideas and design – not quality – but if they were to manufacture more ethically, (deforestation Siberia) I would reccommend IKEA.I would be happy to pay more for a fair product.

  6. Even I love ikea products )

  7. Sangita Pillai

    Oh my, Bhavna, such beautiful pics. And yes, I am an IKEA fan too, I hoard all their catalogues. LOved the picture with the 'prints' caption. What a nice way to start my day! Keep it up 🙂

  8. Fun, inspiring post! 🙂

  9. I am Swedish, and I would NEVER even visit IKEA…

  10. I'm in love with Ikea, I want to work there as a designer, we'll see… http://elsuspirodelmar.blogspot.com.es/

  11. love love love…

  12. I love Ikea too. What can I say-I'm swedish 😉

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