1. I love colour and I love these rooms.

  2. I want you to know that I've been on your blog for hours! I am obsessed with every post!

    I found you via http://www.asigrewolder.com blog roll.

    Beautiful images!

  3. so gorgeous and colourful
    they're very inspiring images – especially as spring and summer are just around the corner – a great source of inspiration! i just love this blog!

  4. Nice! I super love the interior of the room! It is very colorful, stylish and lively. I love its retro design. Great article.

  5. Gosh Bhavna! Where do you find such lovely rooms everytime!

  6. I love that couch and all those pictures on the wall! So Eclectic, So Pretty!!


  7. Just wondering where to get floor rugs shown in these pics?

  8. omg i looove your site!! i just subscribed to the feed… hope you can check out my page and follow too if you like it 🙂

  9. such beautiful, vibrant colours! l.o.v.e.

  10. wonderful colours and dekorated rooms.
    thanks for sharing. best wishes from germany!

  11. Adore the decor!

    Some are a little colourful for my home but still look great!

  12. What beautiful rooms with such vibrant colors! loved each and every one of them.

    Bhavna, there is an award awaiting you at my blog 'All things beautiful', Please stop by to check it out.

  13. Hi,
    I LOVE the photos you find- they are truly inspiring. Where in the world can I find similar furniture (the beautiful dining table, the blue-ish couch?). Any suggestions?

  14. Such rich wonderful color!!! I love your blog.



  15. Beautiful pics…excellent collection of vibrant rooms.

  16. Gorgeous stuff! Love the orange and blue combo in the bedrooms!

  17. You have delicious taste!! I love I love I love.

  18. Thats soooooooooo very beautiful…Cant move my eyes out of it

  19. Wow, what a co incidence! You might wanna see the name of my blog once 🙂
    You have a GORGEOUS space here! Lovely!

  20. Stunning rooms

  21. What a beautiful collection of vibrant pics! 🙂

  22. So beautiful, quite rustic in styling. I loved the laid back vibe, as lived in as home design gets I guess on paper. All those bright colors seem to gel together as soon as someone calls them Argentine homes. Here in US, if you showed someone that photo and called it a home around the corner they would tell you to tone it down! What a difference location makes!

  23. Great example of how some textured textiles, natural woods and saturated colors can warm up the starkness of concrete flooring.

    Just what the doctor ordered on a rainy, gray Manhattan day!

  24. Anonymous

    OMG! This is sooooooo gorgeous. I am going to be drooling over this for a long time to come!


  25. So many colors..!!! Wow..!!!!!

  26. love love super love the decor…nothing like clean white walls and tons of color on the furniture and accessories

  27. you find the most inspiring photos every time! thanks for sharing!

  28. these are so colorful and beautiful!!

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