Stuff launching and happening…

Time again to share some good stuff that came to my inbox…
My Dream Canvas
One serendipitous evening, I discovered Anuradha Varma’s beautiful blog My Dream Canvas, and also discovered connections just a couple or more degrees apart! Anuradha is an avid photographer who not only shares interior inspiration, but also her many travels on the blog.

[First image via My Dream Canvas]
The Homely Place
A lovely home decor blog by artist Natalie Singh. Do make sure you visit her other blog showcasing her art

Bolly Instyle
If you love all things Indian, you will love this blog. Shital Taylor puts together style, trends, furniture, clothes, accessories…anything that is inspired by India, for your viewing pleasure.

Contest : Umbra
Celebrate design for a chance to win a $5,000 Umbra shopping spree! Want to know how? Click right here for contest details..

Valeri Goodman Gallery – NY
Internationally acclaimed French Decorative artist Eric Schmitt will be exhibiting his new collection, a limited edition of Bohemian hand-blown glass and bronze vases created for Fleurs Bella a creative studio working with flowers and various objects, and for Valerie Goodman Gallery a 20th Century and Contemporary Decorative Arts Gallery in NY from May 18th. Do hop in if you happen to be in NY, and tell us how you like it!


  1. Hi Bhavna, how in the world did I not see this before. I am only nearly three years late to say thank you. So here goes Thank you!!!

  2. Hi Bhavna – thanks so much for mentioning my blog here – I only just noticed it – somehow I missed it at the time.
    Natalie (the homely place)

  3. Thanks for the mention, Bhavna! An Indian Summer is an inspirational HAVEN for me.

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