~ Stuff launching and happening ~

Another round of goodness from the world of design and home decor!

Special Offer from Garnet HillGarnet Hill is offering 20% off on the products available on its site. An Indian Summer readers can use source code 20off to avail of the offer. Hurry, the offer ends October 8th!Psst: John Robshaw, one of my favorites, also available @ Garnet Hill..

Green SomethingsGreen Somethings, a first of its kind online store in India, offers beautiful indoor plants arranged in chic, contemporary pots. The plants are handpicked to make sure they are healthy, strong and low maintenance. Ideal as home decor or a green gift! Green Somethings currently home delivers in Mumbai

New blog: Textile Swatches!Textile Swatches is the space where Seema Krish, an Indian textile designer now living in Boston, shares her passion and knowledge of textiles. Seema is also in the process of launching her own signature collection of decorative fabric products- including pillows, rugs, blankets and throws. All the products will be manufactured in sustainable environments using textile crafts in a contemporary way.Looking forward to your collection Seema!

Zabitatz.comZabitatz.com is the latest entrant in the e-world of home design and decor. Zabitatz describes itself as the fun, never-intimidating and always informative site where passionate members meet to share advice, insight and inspiration about everything home-related

Thank you Belette!And last but not the least, I would like to thank Belette for honouring me with “You are a beautiful blogger” award! I am touched and honoured by this beautiful gesture! Visit Belette’s insightful blog here


  1. thank you
    Love the plants in the beautiful pots.

  2. I love thiis blog, really… it giveme so mutch ideas to do 🙂
    Take care

  3. Anonymous

    Hey there,

    I am visiting India next week. I would love recommendations for stores that carry indian craft and furnishings. TIA.

  4. I love your blog!
    I can say that I’m also a follower of yours.Some days ago I started a new blog – afinidades eletivas.
    Since I was a child my mother joked that I must have lived in India for many many lives.Who knows? I hope you’ll visit one day my blog.
    Have a wonderful time…always

  5. Great collection of “goodness” as you called it.
    Green Somethings’ dolled-up houseplants are very interesting. They make me feel like rushing out to buy them though I have hundreds of the very same plants in my garden. Aah, but I dont have the same pretty pots, so that perhaps would explain it ; D

  6. Love the plants in their beautiful pots.
    Now I will go to check the others links.

  7. Thank you! As you know, I do love your beautiful blog. I wish I could hire you to do a room for me. You have exquisite taste and a fantastic eye. I truly appreciate the kind shout out. Please come and visit my blog again soon. 🙂

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