Rainy Day Inspiration

Rains and I have been rendezvousing, in each city, on every mountain and at every beach, that I have been, over the last few weeks. I have soaked in the thunder and the lightning to my heart’s content. Today, sitting cuddled with up my laptop and a purring kitten, with mist rolling outside my window, these lush rooms called my name. I was drawn to their elegance, a certain understated opulence and the depth of rich colors and fabrics. Perfect for a rainy day.

{Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

1 Comment

  1. Anuja Agarwal

    Lovely collection.. all of it speaks of a different world..
    Please do mention the places in your posts/ photos where they are actually taken…

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