Excusez Moi

While I pack my bags
Select my books
 Dream happy dreams
 Of houseboats, and cycling down winding roads. Sigh

Umm..get back to packing

Kiss my reluctant boy cat goodbye

Charge my camera 
And re-charge my mojo, in Kerala
We are off for a quick relaxing vacation, instead of our originally planned long exploratory vacation. I’ll be back next week; but if I miss you too much, I just might pop in for a quick hello, with a pretteh pic or two. Be good, my peeps 🙂
[My pick of rooms from here, here and there]


  1. can I leave there PLEEEEASSEEEE? haha all those rooms are just dreamy!

    <3 Melissa

  2. Me gustan mucho las imágenes que has elegido, Acabo de descubrir tu blog y me hago seguidora porque me encanta. un beso

  3. hey

    really wonderful blog… loved it!

    I have started a blog, recently, on Interior Designing , specifically with glass. Care to take a look and leave me a comment?


  4. Bon Voayage!!

  5. Your world looks so colorful, full of life. Simply adorable. 🙂

  6. Such happy pics 🙂 enjoy ur break,,,

  7. gorgeous

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