Jaya Ibrahim

Jaya Ibrahim, son of a Javanese princess and a diplomat father, is one of the foremost interior designer in Indonesia. Jaya’s designs and work proudly display his Indonesian traditions and heritage, as well his exposure to the best in design in the western world. Read more about Jaya here and take a look at his many luxury hospitality projects. A few images from his elegantly designed home right here!

[All images: Jaya Ibrahim]


  1. Hi, I'd like to ask for a permission to post a job ad for Mr. Ibrahim. The reason I chose your blog spot is I am looking for someone who loves his design and interested to work for him. Hope you do not mind me posting the below ad.

    Are you interested in working for Jaya Ibrahim?

    Jaya International Design is going to open a new office in Jakarta.

    We are looking for an assistant to Mr. Ibrahim.

    Applicant should have at least 3 years of experience, preferably in hospitality design.
    Applicant should hold a bachelor degree in architecture or interior design from a reputable university.
    Applicant should be able to communicate well in English.
    Applicant should be a team player.


    Please send your application letter, CV and portfolio to:

    1. Anonymous

      Any other position available in either NY or London? I have 12 years experience working for a super high-end residential architectural firm in New York City.

  2. Elegant and beautiful

  3. I really love the blend of colors. Thanks for sharing. Great interiors too.

  4. Thank you for posting these wonderful photographs.

    I love and admire the houses of Jaya Ibrahim. He's brilliant.

  5. Loved the earthy look of the house, great post! I'm a fan of your blog and follow it regularly. it's a great inspiration for novice bloggers like myself.

  6. Luved the decor,it looks so different,..

  7. Just looking at these images makes me feel like I'm on holidays………& I am!
    Spectacular home, so in love with Jaya Ibrahim ( Son of a Princess!!! Hello!!)
    Thanks for sharing Bhavna

  8. Fabulous stuff, love this look.

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