As the week whizzes past

And I whoosh along with it,
I pause for a moment today 
To say hello
And to share with you
 That what caught my eye
In the rush of all the whizzing and whooshing

[From my favorite source of inspiration: Tumblr]
Sitting in my draft folder: All the fabulous designs that have come my way in the Logo Design contest; a showcase post where I’ll proudly present some very talented peeps and stores; a special post to get you started on the festive season; an artist’s profile and her lovely home; and last but not the least, showcasing the very talented young designer who is currently working with me to close on An Indian Summer’s shiny new logo! All this will come to ya very soon…just waiting for this whizzing and whooshing to let up! 


  1. Amazing shoots this is just lovely! Your home decor picture is always an inspiration.

  2. Loving the glass bottles, a wonderful idea for my wedding!

  3. I am redesigning my house, Bhavana, for the festive season and hence decided to stop over here for some inspiration.
    Beautifully curated! I pinned the first and the seventh pic on Pinterest 🙂 and picking up ideas at the same time!

  4. Luved all of them nd ya will be waiting for the festive post

  5. you've done really awesome job! thanks a lot for sharing this nice post & I'll visit your site again for new contents 🙂

  6. love the first decor!!

    bright and cheerful!!

  7. awesome snipets, each one of them.. how do you do it? over and aver again?!!

  8. Do you know where the third image is from? I'd love to see more of that home!

  9. Beautiful beautiful images!

  10. I got lost at the first picture!

  11. Stunning post! Congrats on the India Today feature:)

  12. Love it!

  13. Hi,

    Lovely pics, nice colours!

    If you don't mind, I will suggest this post on my blog.. Hope you are fine with that 🙂

    //Bliss Fusion

  14. such gorgeousness! my heart skipped a beat! your home decor pics are always an inspiration, thanks 🙂

  15. Gorgeous eye candy!

  16. I love the first picture- the rug, the spread and their colors.

  17. some real treasure here…very inspiring….

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