David Strauss Interiors

This room, so warm and inviting, drew me to David Strauss’s portfolio. David is a well known interior designer in Cape Town, and has been called a trend non-believer by his compatriots. He does have a distinguished style, as you can see from my favorite picks from his portfolio. 

[All Images: David Strauss]
Psst: Coming up in a couple of days, my favorite DIY Projects on Facebook!
Feel free to post your favorite DIY project links/pics on An Indian Summer’s facebook page too.

Oh, and I guest posted here
To wish a very Happy Birthday to Once Upon A Tea Time! 🙂


  1. Beautiful style!!

  2. OMG how did I miss this post??? Oh such loveliness, the colors are fabulous!

  3. Great selection! Very nice!

  4. This is stunning!!

  5. the ceiling in that second image is incredible. i'd love to cozy up in that space.

  6. loved the rich colors…looking forward to your diys

  7. Very beautiful..

  8. Oooh. This is how I want to live when I grow up! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Ian Blake

    Mmm…I agree, the first few rooms are perfect for winters. Thanks for sharing Bhavna

  10. Loved that first image! looking fwd to your DIY. 🙂

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