Post cards from Kenya

A chance encounter with Marie and Paul Pelle’s Siani Plantation Estate in a travel magazine led me to these gorgeous properties in Lamu, Kenya. Lamu, an archipelago, has a  distinctive Swahili culture, the result of an intermingling over the centuries of many different influences – African, Arabian, Indian, Persian and European to name but a few – brought to Lamu by merchants, travellers, colonisers and conquerors. These influences show themselves to this day in Lamu’s religious and social traditions, architecture, furniture, cookery and many other aspects of daily life. 
Apart from these distinctive influence,  for me, these beautifully restored homes are yet another testimony to the magic created by simple, hand restored interiors…  
Niches or Aala’s…a mughal/persian legacy
Window to the world..
Love the bedsteads and the floor..
Of kittens and roofs..
[All images Lamu Island Properties. Creative mosaic by moi]


  1. Anonymous

    As a Kenyan of an Indian origin, I must say the fusion of cultures could not have been captured any better! Excellent!!

  2. Loved the staircase…

  3. beautiful interiors…. you have great sense of style!

  4. gorgeous BB!!!!
    makes me want to run out and order lamps and rugs and….xoxo

  5. I adore the color saturated walls and fabrics!

    Art by Karena

  6. The colours are so gorgeous, the palette seems saturated with colour. Ahhhh, dreaming of a kenyan chutti

  7. It's wonderful to see all of these peacefu images from the properties of Lamu!! Really!! Thank you and great to see you!!
    Sending you happy thoughts!


  8. sighs!
    i enjoy swooning over your lovely pictures!
    they are all kinds of fancy!
    thanks for sharing them with the world!

  9. Gorgeous pictures. I love the fact that so many of these rooms, even with their rustic style, have so many intricate details! I love it!
    Lila Ferraro

  10. beautiful images, thanks for sharing!

  11. Loved the clean simplicity of all the rooms! The patios are to die for!

  12. these are simply gorgeous! I too love the hand-made touch. I recently discovered a site ( where whole buildings are made from recycled materials and they are stunning too. I wish to have one too . . . . might take a while though 🙂

    Thanks for sharing.


  13. Wonderful Bhavna !…as always 🙂

  14. Oh Gorgeous!!! I am drooling.

  15. There's something so very familiar about these interiors (got to be the Indian influences, I suppose) yet it also looks so different. Almost like spotting family resemblances in a far-flung cousin!
    I love the rough, unfinished wood on the ceiling and that awesome flooring. And the canopy of flowering bougainvilleas… gorgeous!

  16. This is a great collection of interiors. I love those raw plastered walls and the dark woods. Really sumptuous. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Gorgeous! thanks for sharing! I really loved the wall with the little nooks and blue pottery….mmmmmm!!

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