Color Burst and Wandering Mind

I am dealing with a wandering mind this week. My mind has a grown a mind of its own and has been going here and there and everywhere. Which is why it has become somewhat difficult for me to put together a comprehensive post [or do anything else that requires concentration]. But. I can not leave you without some interior inspiration as another hot summer week starts. That just does not feel right. Let my mind continue to do the thinking bit. Sending a burst of colors for your bedrooms from my heart. 🙂

Will be back with more substantial eye candy as the week progresses and my mind rests. Come and meet me again this week. And ‘Knock’ on the comments section so that I know you visited. 🙂


  1. Anonymous

    It was very interesting for me to read that blog. Thanks for it. I like such topics and anything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.

  2. Anonymous

    I have just discovered your blog – and love it! Please keep posting … very inspirational

  3. I love the bright bold colors. I could design an event around each of these rooms. I just found your blog and LOVE it!

  4. I love these bold colors!

  5. Neat!

  6. I love the fabric patterns on the bed.


  7. Wow I love the first room! Thanks for sharing 😉

  8. Just beautiful, love the bright, rich colours. I want all of the bottom three rooms:)

  9. Rest your creative mind. I love the blue room. Can I take a nap there?

  10. Have loved your site from the get go. Quite impressive!

    cmoi @


  11. Hi,
    Love your blog…
    please may I link you to my blog via a post..?

  12. Breathtaking! The red is my least favorite, although even that seems serene somehow.

  13. these rooms are simply amazing! they ‘pop’ with vivid color and are beautifully touched by indian decor. they’re stunning! my favorite is the yellow room. it reminds me of a sunny day in india! thank you for sharing, these are beautiful rooms! 🙂

  14. Such lovely lovely colors! Thankyou. 🙂

  15. I think the blue room is my favorite, the color is so intense, but it seems calming at the same time.

  16. bhavna, i have been loving your blog for the last month or so. all these photos are awesome.


  17. oh my god. what beautiful places!!!! great inspiration!

  18. I visited!

    My mind is resting in the chaise in that first picture…

  19. wow, these look like they’ve been tweaked in photoshop, can’t believe they really exist in such vibrant tones, would love to experience them in person!

    Thanks for sharing!

  20. Hi Bhavna,
    Enjoy you wandering mind…that is when creative juices flow.

    I am dying over the red room picture. I hope to have make a room like this in my future home. And my husband won’t be allowed in (because he’ll freak out if he does)! It will be a girls room; my meditation room; my dancing room.

    Take care,

  21. I love the first room .. It looks so warm,calming and simply designed. Take care, Purnima

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